Previous Card XF96-0027 GCon - Alex Krycek

Alex Krycek

Demonstration Bureau File Number: XF96-0027 GCon
Edition: Gen Con
Rarity: Demonstration
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Name: Alex Krycek
Biographical Information: Alex Krycek is a clean cut agent who professes an admiration for agent Mulder and his work on the X-Files. Krycek worked with Mulder in apprehending Augustus Cole (Sleepless) and in searching for Dana Scully after her abduction (Ascension). What no one else knows is that he is a double agent working for the Cigarette Smoking Man. He aided in the abduction of Scully, killed Mulder's father, attempted to kill Mulder (he shot Scully instead), and was present at Melissa Scully's murder.
Game Effect: He may choose to add to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resource Pool during his Briefing Phase.
Alien Investigation: 3
Criminal Investigation: 2
Evidence Collection: 2
Sciences: 1
Subterfuge: 4
Long Range Combat: 4
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 5
RES: 2
Cost: 6 RP
Episode: Sleepless (2X04) - Season 2
Alternates: XF96-0162v1, XF96-0170v1, XF97-0170v2
  • Gen Con '96
